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The Renew Your Mind Podcast, hosted by Diana Swillinger, shares how to examine your thoughts, understand how they influence your emotions, and start managing them to better your relationships, life, and faith. Transform your life by the renewing of your mind.

May 24, 2022

Listener Questions answered in this episode: How do you move past people saying mean comments and not let it ruin your day?  And, a friend said I was high energy and she needs to back away. How do I just let it roll off and not affect me?  

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May 18, 2022

Anxiety happens for many reasons. One reason is a misuse of your imagination! Learn the difference between normal anxiety and neurotic anxiety and how to take control of creating more calm in your life!

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May 10, 2022

Our brains are very good at filling in the gaps and making up stories. This can create issues in our relationships and a slew of negative emotion. Instead, we can dial back the stories to just the facts and free ourselves from destructive narratives.

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May 4, 2022

Renewing the mind is about questionting our thoughts and being willing to think differently. In this recap of quotes from RYM Boot Camp, find new ways of thinking to help you with your mind renewal, so you can have less frustration, less stress, and less emotional pain.